Public Open House for Comprehensive Plan


 SHARON, PA – The City of Sharon is working on finalizing the update to its Comprehensive Plan with the next step of hosting a public open house for community input. The purpose of the plan is to inform land use, development and budget decisions and to provide the basis for updates to the zoning ordinance and other regulations. 

 A steering committee made up of individuals in the community and economic development area have been working with the planning consultant Mackin Engineering based out of Pittsburgh to develop an updated Comprehensive Plan for the city since September 2023. Besides the planned public open house in September, there was also a public survey distributed in late last year as well as meetings with community focus groups. With the data collected, the steering committee and consultant drafted focus areas with goals and actions items. The focus areas included Neighborhood/Community Revitalization, Downtown/Economic Development and Quality of Life.

 “The comprehensive plan will guide the city for the next five to ten years with implementation steps for community revitalization, economic development, and improved quality of life for our citizens, businesses, and visitors,” said Suzanne Kepple, Sharon’s CDBG Program Manager, adding that a public meeting is a requirement of a comprehensive plan and important to get the community’s input. “With guidance from the city’s hired consultant, the steering committee decided to hold a public open house for people where they will have the opportunity to provide comments on the focus areas.”

 The public open house is scheduled for 6-8 PM Tuesday, September 17, 2024, in the Sharon High School Cafeteria at 1129 E State St Sharon, PA 16146. The open house will provide attendees with the opportunity to visit stations to review and provide comments on the draft recommendations. There will be no formal presentation and attendees can come at any time during the posted hours. 

 Any questions please contact the Project Consultant of Mackin Engineering, Brandi Rosselli, at

For additional details please contact city administration at 724-983-1322.

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